Questions & Answers

Cant´t save SO 2 song in SO 3

0 votes
asked May 20, 2016 in Studio One 3 by Gitmaster (120 points)

I get a "could not save" and "unknown error" message when trying to save a song that I originally made in SO2 and now wan´t to save in SO3.

Anyone now the solution to the problem?



1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 20, 2016 by LeeHaz68 (510 points)
One way is find the song where you store them, and open it in SO2, then go to your 'File' tab (top left of SO2), then do a 'Save As' and rename it, I usually put V3 at the end of the song name, now I have 2 distinct versions to open in either version...hope this helps!