Questions & Answers

When I open a Studio One 2 song in studio one 3, the presence instruments are are garbled. How to fix?

0 votes
asked Aug 3, 2017 in Studio One 3 by jim13t (150 points)
When I open a song with presence instruments; drums, piano, etc. in Studio One 3, the tracks are completely garbled.  Just a mess of low volume sounds.  The other tracks in the song like vocal or live guitar are fine.  I really don't want to redo hours and hours of work fixing so many songs...  Any help appreciated!

1 Answer

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answered Aug 4, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
Hi Jim,

Try opening the preset for the instrument track or tracks that you are working with and set it to "mono" instead of "poly."  If you continue to have the issue, please log a support ticket from your account under the "Support" tab.  Be sure to attach a song file that illustrates the issue.  We don't need all of the media, just the song file with the Presence instruments in it.