Questions & Answers

[FR] Macro: Allowing argument (path) for Presets|Load Preset File

+3 votes
asked Feb 17 in Look and Feel by justinmeyer (3,020 points)


When creating macros, it is possible to define Instrument/device and preset when choosing Audio|Insert Event FX.
It would be very practical to have the same feature for Presets|Load Preset File

Right now you can add a keyboard shortcut for Presets|Load Preset File,
but this just opens Windows Explorer where you need to enter or paste the path to the target preset.
Unfortunately this is uncomfortable and time-consuming.

Could you please add either the same functionality from Audio|Insert Event FX or enable a path as argument.
E.g. User chooses as path "C:\Users\User\Documents\Studio One\Presets\Manufactorer\Device\Catogory\some_preset.preset"

Thanks for reading and best regards

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 25 by ericlegault (300 points)
+1 on this! However, there are commands to select the next/previous preset. I suppose we could chain these to load the preset on the list by its number by repeating the direction, but that would be a nightmare for managing and coordinating the numbers and presets.