Questions & Answers

Could you create a feature allowing us to easily load previously saved window and pane layouts via user presets?

+17 votes
asked Aug 29, 2020 in Look and Feel by andreasurban (470 points)
  1. Set up a complex multi-display layout.
  2. Decide whether this layout should apply to just this Song, or with every Song/Globally.
  3. Name the layout and save it.
  4. Have a quick access button in the open song menu that displays all previously saved layouts sorted in either: frequency of use, or recently used, or alphabetically by names given.
  5. Allow these layouts to be accessed even more quickly via keyboard shortcuts.
  6. Selecting previously saved layouts will configure, panes, windows, track-heights, etc in a flash, Especially useful for multiple-screen configurations.

Please note, a competitor starting with C has recently included this as a new feature which I thought works really well.  Since switching back to Studio One, I've really been missing this nifty little feature, but it would be fab if Studio One could incorporate this in one of their upcoming releases.  Something that would give this feature an even nicer touch would be if Studio one could calculate/create a simple thumbnail displaying via little rectangles and colours the number of screens and shapes of the various panes like some display configuration tools do it.  I.e. if a screen has been split in half horizontally, then there could be an image of a rectangle split into 2 halfes (upper and lower)  The top half could show a representation of tracks, the lower one could show an M for Mixer.  Or Studio One could simply take a screenshot of each screen and display a thumbnail, similar to what is being done with the thumbnails of plugins.

Thank you for consideration of this feature request.

I think it would be well received indeed!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 7, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,420 points)
Best answer

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0 votes
answered Dec 3, 2020 by jimwilliamson (510 points)
Aren't most of these layout features already available by saving Templates?