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Studio One In Linux...There is more than Just Ubuntu !!!

+5 votes
asked Feb 18, 2024 in Studio One 6 by thelinuxtube (170 points)
Im a Linux YouTuber.. Im The Linux Tube. Ive Been using your Audiobox 96  bundle for almost a year. And i Love It. Ive been patiently waiting for Studio One to come to linux and it has. However only for Ubuntu , Not as many people use Ubuntu daily and certainly not if they are content creating.. can you either allow use to compile it from source or make it availble to different repos such as either the Aur for Arch and maybe with Nixos repos... the .deb covers Ubuntu and debian , another set to include would be for fedora dnf repos... the easiest way for you would also be to consider making it a Flatpak or Snap.. although Flatpaks are a better choice as they out perform Snaps.

1 Answer

+4 votes
answered Feb 28, 2024 by stevenreina (240 points)
I agree.
"Unfortunately", not all linux users use Ubuntu or Debian. I'm also an Arch user (btw), and I'd love to be able to also have my favorite DAW installed in my favorite and preferred OS.