Questions & Answers

Keep UC Surface Configuration in sync across Multiple PCs

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asked Mar 4, 2024 in UC Surface / Qmix by JeffChampeau (120 points)
We're a church and we have volunteers that handle our livestream.  We have a 32R and one NSB8.8 and on any given Sunday, we'll have either one or two people running the livestream.  If there are two, one handles audio and the other handles video.  In this case, two PCs are in use--one running UC Surface and the other just runs the livestream software.  When there's just one person doing everything, UC Surface and the livestream software are all run on a single PC.

Also, on the audio producer's PC, each user logs into that PC with their individual user accounts.

Is there a way to keep the UC Surface configuration in sync between the two PCs and between the different user accounts on the audio production PC?

Many thanks!