Questions & Answers

UC Surface Midi recalling scenes

+4 votes
asked Jul 25, 2022 in StudioLive Series III by lucafucci (160 points)
edited Jul 25, 2022 by lucafucci

i can't find an answer anywhere..

Is it possible to recall UC surface scenes via MIDI?

Think of a solo live performance, using a StudiolLive 16R, where i need to change mixer settings during the show, depending on the song.

Thank you so much

1 Answer

+2 votes
answered Oct 12, 2022 by midiman4 (770 points)
This is not so much an answer, but rather a confirmation that MIDI recall of Scenes/Versions/snapshots is a KEY FEATURE REQUEST for using Studio One in a Live setting!

The Show Page in its current form is really only useful for backing tracks, and really people can just use their iPhone or MainStage to do that.

Having the ability to snapshot (more like a song version than a Scene, as it's everything, not just mixer) and then recall it via Control Link is huge advantage for PreSonus - especially given Atom and StudioLive..

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