Questions & Answers

Score editor should respect users' editing, but it reverts back to its own rhythmical interpretation

+6 votes
asked Mar 10, 2024 in Score Editor by ramtindidab (630 points)
Score editor should respect users' editing, but it reverts back to its own rhythmical interpretation if you add/edit notes many bars after the edited one using piano roll; although the edited one translates exactly to the piano roll (can be checked using Quantize to Notation) but Studio One's interpretation does not.

Same thing happens if you edit the score and copy paste the whole event to a new line. Again Studio One ignores all the edits you had done on those bars and rebuilds the score.

At least there should be some "Lock score" feature for selected notes. The way it is now, one can not use the piano roll in a line anymore, or all the rhythmical corrections they had done in the score editor will be gone!