Questions & Answers

We need big improvements to patterns and impact XT

+6 votes
asked Mar 18, 2024 in Patterns by jonnyjones (490 points)
reopened Mar 18, 2024 by jonnyjones
Guys we definitely need an improvement in drum programming and by that I explicitly mean the interaction between ImpactXT and patterns.
It's really exhausting, especially compared to FL Studio or Logic, to quickly program drums and exchange sounds. Patterns are so limited in their range of functions that hardly anyone uses them.

Hence my suggestions for improvement:

1. the ability to drag&drop new samples from the browser to an empty space in the pattern editor when using ImpactXT.

2. the ability to replace a sample by drag&drop from the browser onto an existing sample in the pattern editor when using ImpactXT.

3. when adding a new sample in ImpactXT, automatically add a dedicated mixer channel, which gets the name of the sample

4. the ability to split patterns and trim them from the left. This is much faster than always having to create new variations when I want to arrange a pattern differently.

5. the ability to copy patterns as usual, without "shared"

6. when using impactXT, the ability to edit and transpose notes in the piano roll as usual after using the "Split by Pitch" command

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 28, 2024 by mesperance (1,210 points)
Yes please! There is much room for improvement here.
+1 vote
answered Aug 5, 2024 by AlonsoJoaquin (2,120 points)
Yes to all of these!