Questions & Answers

How to make AR8c's Bluetoot stop trying to pair with previously paired MacBook every time it's turned on?

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asked Apr 14, 2024 in AR Hybrid USB Mixers by eha2 (120 points)
I once paired my MacBook with my AR8c. Now, whenever I start up my mixer, a window on the MacBook interrupts asking me to pair with the mixer again. This continues to happen even though I've done "forget device" on my MacBook. I've tried pairing my iPad with the mixer so that the mixer will only remember the iPad as the last device, but this doesn't work. When the iPad is out of range, the mixer forces my MacBook to pop up a window. Meanwhile, I have a second MacBook within range that has never paired to the mixer, andi it never pops up a pairing dialog. It's the AR8c remembering my other MacBook. How can I make the mixer forget all previous devices it's paired with?