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Request to Add Feature for Dragging MIDI Data from DAW Tracks Directly into Instruments with Riffer Piano Roll

0 votes
asked May 15 in Studio One+ Feature Requests by isemmfsa (140 points) 1 flag
Hello everyone,

I would like to propose a feature request for the next update of Studio One. It would be incredibly helpful to have a feature similar to Cubase, where users can drag MIDI data from a DAW track directly into an instrument that supports a Riffer piano roll for editing.

For example, the Konghou plugin by AmpleSound allows users to utilize its Riffer feature for complex MIDI editing. If Studio One could implement this capability, it would greatly enhance the ease of creation and editing, significantly improving workflow efficiency.

Please support this request. If you also wish to see this feature added, kindly leave a comment below. Thank you!