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asked Jun 21, 2024 in Studio One 6 by FranklinMores (120 points)

I recently acquired a MacBook Pro II with 16g of ram. I installed Studio One 6, and a number of third party plugins. I started work on my first track and there were some bugs but working reasonably well. Then I watched Gregor's video about media offset where there is a potential time difference between your performance and what is actually recorded. So I followed the steps to address any potential lag, which turned out to be miniscule. From then on, when I open the track it will play for a few seconds and freeze up, sounding like record skipping and play some more, freeze up, etc. when looking at the power usage, you can watch it spike into the red when the freeze occurs. Also, a very strange program seems to be causing this called nkscanner. Can't find anything out about nkscanner on the internet. Doesn't seem to exist. Then, if I let the program just sit there for 10 or 15 minutes, the problem seems to go away, like it's an old Chevy that needs to warm up before you take it for a drive. .Anyway, my question is, did adjusting the media offset affect my track, causing it to malfunction?

I should point out that I am running about 15 or more instrument plugins, a few buses and inserts, plus audio tracks. To me that doesn't seem like too much for the souped up computer I bought.

Let me know if you can help