Questions & Answers


0 votes
asked Jul 24, 2024 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by sajjaadsaleem (1,410 points)
I have some ideas for Impact XT, Studio One, and Atom

Impact: If we could name our Impact XT Pages and select our pages from the presets, that would be cool. The ability to customize the preset colors Impact pads by keywords (Kick=Red, Snare=Yellow, etc.) so when we import samples they will be coded automatically by way of our customization with key words.

Studio One: If there was an "Auto-Loop Option" feature where you could just start jamming and once you disengage the record button your loop is automatically set to the nearest bar...that would be COOL.

Atom: Atom (Original) is like a "Cult Classic" amongst the creative community. Everyone loves and uses it because of its form factor and portability, but NO ONE likes to give it its respect! I've literally seen this thing in movies, commercials, and of course YouTube.  If there is a way to keep the form factor and add LED displays (to view time division,  preset selection, browsing, waveform editing, and parameter control), turn the navigation buttons into a crosshair format, and maybe this is pushing it but...piano roll view, THE ATOM WOULD BECOME LEGENDARY.

Just My Opinion of course

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jul 25, 2024 by GTRtice (4,930 points)
edited Jul 25, 2024 by GTRtice
Hi! These are all great thoughts. Feature Requests must be submitted on a "One request per post" basis (you have 3 requests here), so please break these up into individual posts and I'll be happy to vote for them!