Questions & Answers

Improving the transient detection while using bendmarkers

+10 votes
asked Aug 4, 2024 in MIDI Editing by [email protected] (230 points)
Is there any plans on a much needed improvement of the transient detection while using bendmarkers? The ability to accurately creating midi triggers in Studio One is pretty much unuseable without going through and manually correcting pretty much every note after the fact. Ran some tests this weekend and compared it to Reapers builtin function "Dynamic split" and the free version of Massey DRT in Pro Tools. Pro Tools and Reaper is pretty much spot on while Studio One isn't even in the ballpark. S1 occasionally gets it right but that is like 2/10 at best.

Seeing as midi creation is pretty much a staple in alot of music production (especially rock/metal for drum reinforcement) this should really be a priority. I'm actually considering switching DAW since S1 is so bad at this.

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