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3-8 Line Inputs Are Not Showing :(

–1 vote
asked Jun 4, 2016 in FireStudio Series by neofilm (170 points)

I'm using Firestudio Mobile, Windows 10 64bit, 24Gigs RAM, 8 core processor, etc...

When I first started using this years ago there were presets when first launching Studio One. I could select Firestudio Mobile and wahlah it would show all the mic/line inputs.

I've not used it in some time. Recently I've updated everything and it all appears fine. However, I only see the front two XLR inputs. When I "create a new song" it only shows "empty song" or "vocal and guitar". no matter which one i pic the line inputs don't show.

After starting a new song if I click in the left panel and select "add tracks for all inputs" it only adds tracks for the two XLR inputs.

If I add a mono track and then try to change it's inputs it only has two options, which are the two XLR inputs. It's just not showing the line inputs in the back, 3-8.

If i select audio I/O setup I see all the inputs but I can't really do anything. If I put an "M" (I assume that means mic but really it could mean Mute, you guys should do this different it's confusing as hell) in one of the 3-8 line inputs the M looks faded as if it's not active and the input does nothing when my acoustic is plugged in.

This never was very intuitive but it used to at least work. Now I can't get it to work at all. Please help!

I used to use a Sound Blaster audio card and Magix recording software back in the 90's and I got way more done than I ever have with this Firestudio. Creativity just seems constantly stifled by the complexity of this thing. It may just be way overkill for me. But, really, I want to do multi-track recording and all my musician friends seem to be on the same page in wanting something much more simple. I just want to record my vocals and guitar through the two XLR and one input in the back! Why is this so frustrating :(

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 4, 2016 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer

Two options here:

1) Use the FireStudio Mobile Template in Studio One 3

2) Manually setup your I/O:

( as found in the Studio One 3 Manual )

Audio Device Input/Output Setup

Software I/O Channels

In most recording applications, audio Tracks directly use your hardware audio device’s channels. In Studio One, there is a layer of software I/O (input and output) channels between your hardware audio device channels and your Tracks. This setup affords many advantages over the traditional method.

For instance, let’s say you produce a Song in your studio, using a multi-channel interface, then take your Song file to your friend’s studio, where you use a different audio interface. Simply connect your friend’s hardware audio device channels to the correct software I/O channels. When you get back to your studio, the original I/O configuration for the Song is automatically loaded for you, as if you never left. You can do the same thing if you need to open the Song on your laptop using its built-in audio hardware.

This is possible because Studio One stores I/O configurations with your Song, per computer and per audio device driver, ensuring that your Song remains highly portable and is never “broken” by changing audio devices.

Audio I/O Setup Menu

Each Track in a Song receives a signal from an input source and routes to an output destination. The input sources and output destinations made available to each Track are determined by the software I/O channel configuration created in the Audio I/O Setup menu. To view this menu and set up a default I/O configuration for each Song, create a new Song by clicking on Create New Song in the Start Page and navigate to Song/Song Setup/Audio I/O Setup.

The configuration of the Audio I/O Setup is done within each Song, so that it is possible for each Song to have a separate I/O setup. As discussed in Default Device I/O Setup, a default I/O setup can be created so that each new Song defaults to a particular I/O setup if you desire.

In the Audio I/O Setup menu, there are two tabs: one for input configuration and one for output configuration. In each tab, a Matrix Routing view shows the current configuration, with the vertical columns indicating hardware audio device channels (hardware I/O) and the horizontal rows indicating created software I/O channels. Software I/O channels function as the input sources and output destinations available to individual Tracks in Studio One

Add or Remove Software I/O Channels

Click on the [Add (Mono)] or [Add (Stereo)] button to add an Input or Output Channel, depending on which tab you are currently viewing. When a new channel is added, the next unassigned hardware inputs or outputs are assigned to the new channel by default.

To remove any channel, click on the channel to select it and then click on the ]Remove] button. To rename any channel, double-click on the name of the channel, type a new name, and press Enter. In order for software I/O changes to occur, be sure to click Apply before exiting this menu.

Assigning Hardware I/O to Software I/O Channels

Hardware inputs and outputs are assigned to software I/O channels in a matrix router, which is a visual representation of the routing. Software channels (mono and stereo) are each given a horizontal row, and hardware inputs and outputs are given vertical columns. The points at which these rows and columns intersect represent potential connections, or routes, between the hardware I/O and software I/O channels.

By default, Studio One creates three Input Channels: one stereo and two mono. These channels are labeled Input L+R (stereo), Input L (mono), and Input R (mono). By default, the stereo Input Channel receives input from the first stereo hardware input pair of your selected audio device. The two mono Channels receive input from the same stereo hardware input pair.

The Output Channel is labeled Main Out (stereo) and is routed by default to the first stereo hardware output pair of your selected audio device.

To create a route between software I/O channels and hardware I/O, click on the empty square at the intersection of the desired hardware input or output and the software channel input or output. A colored square appears with an M, L, or R label, indicating whether the route is a mono route (M) or the left or right side of a stereo route (L or R).

While it is uncommon for Audio I/O Setup changes to be required in the middle of Song production, the audio I/O routing can be changed at any time. However, you should be aware that routing changes affect all associated Tracks, possibly switching inputs for audio Tracks, changing the hardware output for the Main Output, and so on.

When making new routes in the Audio I/O Setup menu, notice the meters to the left of the software I/O channels. By displaying signal levels on each channel, these meters help you ensure that the appropriate routings have been made.

Default Device I/O Setup

We recommend that you create a default Audio I/O Setup that can be a starting point for all new Songs. This lets you immediately begin working in your new Song, with little or no preliminary setup.

To do so, create software I/O channels for all of your audio device’s commonly used inputs and outputs and name them appropriately. Then, click on the [Make Default] button in the Audio I/O Setup menu, and a pop-up window appears to confirm that you wish to make the current I/O setup the default for new Songs. Click on Yes, and from that point forward, all new Songs are created with this audio I/O setup. 

0 votes
answered Jun 4, 2016 by -Luis- (22,800 points)
The "problem" here, based on your screenshots is that you are running the free version of Studio One which is limited to a stereo input and output.