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[Bug] State 0/1 doesn't work for Show Instrument editor (Macros)

+1 vote
asked Jun 14, 2016 in Studio One 3 by justinmeyer (3,020 points)

It may sound like an unimportant issue but it can be really annoying to macro or script users.

When creating a Studio One macro, it is possible to set a state (0 = off, 1 = on)
(Not for all commands, but for some.)

Example where it works
Macro 1:
Console|Show External Devices.......State("1")

Macro 2:
Console|Show External Devices.......State("0")

Macro 3:
Console|Show External Devices.......State("")

Macro 1 will always show the external devices - no matter how often you activate the macro.
(When activating the macro no change appears, which is correct.)

Macro 2 will always hide the external devices - if they are already hidden, they stay hidden.

Macro 3 toggles it - If they are hidden, they get shown and vice versa
(Each time the macro gets activated a change will appear - correct.)

Now if the same is done for the Instrument editor, it won't work.
Macro 4:
Console|Show Instrument Editor......State("1")

Macro 5:
Console|Show Instrument Editor......State("0")

Macro 6:
Console|Show Instrument Editor......State("")

Macro 4, 5 and 6 have the exact same function, which is not correct.
It always gets toggled.
This means you can't force it to be off or on.

When working with macros, scripts etc. it is important to have absolute commands.
I have a MIDI controller with buttons where some buttons can open the instrument editor and specific scripts get started externally.
It can cause problems if the macro/script doesn't "know" if the instrument editor is actually opened and closed.

In my opinion, if there is a "State" option in a command line in Macros, it should work - otherwise it's useless and misleading.

P.S: It seems for Console|Show Channel Editor it's the same wrong behavior.

Best regards

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 25, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
If you take a look at the Command window for the "Show Instrument Editor" command, you will notice that it does NOT say "State" next to it.  That command does not have any arguments.  It will only toggle on or off.