Questions & Answers

RMLxx vs RMxx

+1 vote
asked Jun 20, 2016 in Ai Mixers by jamesthomas2 (160 points)
Looking to upgrade our 16.0.2, need more channels for both live and recording. Quite keen on the RMxnn idea, but what (if any) are the differences between the RML16 and the RM16. They look similar but are labelled and presented as different models - confused!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 20, 2016 by PreSonuSales2 (68,140 points)
Best answer
The only difference between the RML16AI and the RM16AI is that the RML16AI has combo jacks that are capable of receiving line level input on the last 8 inputs. So if you've got anything that sends a line level signal (synthesizers, guitars with active pickups, etc.), you'll be able to plug those directly in via 1/4". Other than that, they're the same unit and will work the same way.