Questions & Answers

Option to save new version for all songs in a project

+4 votes
asked Jul 12, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by jstummbillig (230 points)
I use projects as an index, a working directory of an given, well, project consisting of multiple songs. Often times I make changes on multiple songs, create new versions of these songs, work some more or the same or different songs, create some more versions and at some point make an export of everything by updating the master files and exporting the project.

The songs versions I have created up to this point are of no concern for the client I might be sharing the project with: They will get an export of multiple/all songs in the projects, unanimously labeled "export v6" for example.

An option to save a new version for all songs in a project would allow for easily creating snapshots of all songs at a given point in the project. If a client or I later decide "I like song x in project v4 better than the cuent one" I can later safely return to that state for that song, without having to have manually created a snapshot or made notes of what the current version of each song in that project export was at that point (which would also result in me having to open every single song in the project prior to the export).

There already is the (fantastic) option to update all master files from within the project, so this does not seem to be something that contradicts any standing design philosophy. It would greatly enhance/speed up my workflow and would be much appreciated.

Thoughts on the implementation: When using "Save New Version" in a project, a checkbox saying "Also save new version of all songs in project", and just using the project version name be each song version name, would be completely fine by me. If you have better ideas on implementing that, by all means, go right ahead :)

Studio One Version 3.2.3

1 Answer

+3 votes
answered Aug 7, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)

Thank you for the feature request. 

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