Questions & Answers

How do I merge all the songs in a project down to one long song?

0 votes
asked Apr 12, 2021 in Studio One 5 by amykakoura (160 points)

I have multiple tracks that I want to play as if on a radio show, on one long elongated track.

All songs are currently imported into a project.

I know I could open a song and position each song but there are hundreds so it could take forever and if there's a simple way to do it I'd love to know.

I know I can just import all tracks, but they will stack and I need them to play sequantially.

Any heads up much appreciated.

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Apr 12, 2021 by wesleypeterson (21,060 points)
edited Apr 12, 2021 by wesleypeterson
Best answer
You can merge Songs in the Project page, but it's one at a time so I hope someone else has a better way. But if no one does, you could open your project and go to Studio One > Keyboard Shortcuts > then search for 'combine' create a shortcut for 'combine with next track' (I used Ctrl+Shift+C). Don't forget to click assign right below the shortcut, I missed it the first time. Than ok. Back to your project... Select All (Ctrl+A) and hit your shortcut key a lot. Annoyingly, with this method you'd have to hit your shortcut key for each track, so over a hundred times. Like I started above, I hope someone else has a better method. Good luck.
0 votes
answered Jun 23, 2022 by SharpArrowMusic (440 points)

I needed to splice the best parts of two mixes of the same song together. I right-clicked on one of the two tracks in the project page and chose reset pause, which enabled me to slide one of the tracks over the other and I was also able to shorten the tracks by hovering over the edge of each track. Once in position another right-click enabled me to combine the tracks. I am using version 5.5.2.

I hope this help you and anyone needing to splice.
0 votes
answered Jun 23, 2022 by SharpArrowMusic (440 points)


I needed to splice the best parts of two mixes of the same song together. I right-clicked on one of the two tracks in the project page and chose reset pause, which enabled me to slide one of the tracks over the other and I was also able to shorten the tracks by hovering over the edge of each track. Once in position another right-click enabled me to combine the tracks. I am using version 5.5.2.

I hope this helps you and anyone needing to splice.
