Questions & Answers

Where is Digital Release button

0 votes
asked Jul 25, 2016 in Studio One 3 by brunodeschnes (300 points)
Hi everyone,

I am just starting with Studio One. I am trying to create a WAV File. The help says click on the Distribution Release button in the Project page. Where is that button? I went through all possible buttons on the page and none is called Distribution Release.

Is there a web page that gives an overview of all the button and where they can be found?

Thanks a lot!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 26, 2016 by philangus (10,160 points)
selected Jul 26, 2016 by PreSonuSales2
Best answer
Which version? Project page is only available in the professional version. At the top of the page you have Update, Burn, Image, DDP and Digital Release. It's right there on the main screen! The only thing I can think of if you can't see it is you don't have any audio interface installed to convert any sound files, but even then I would have thought it would be there but greyed out. Either that or you are not looking at the Project Page but looking at the main Studio One song window.
asked Jul 26, 2016 in Studio One 3 by brunodeschnes (300 points) Digital Release Button