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Preference Settings To Switch Middle C From C3 To C4 For Users with 88 Key Midi Keyboards

+57 votes
asked Aug 29, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by AYODJELI (650 points) 1 flag
In the next Update can you make a setting like in logic pro x that allows you to switch where/what middle C is considered: I know its standard in daws to have C3 as middle C but on an 88 key midi keyboard that i use (Arturia Keylab 88) Middle C is C4. I would be very grateful for this feature to be added.

10 Answers

+12 votes
answered Sep 6, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,470 points)

Thank you for the feature request. 

If anyone else agrees or disagrees, then please vote it up, or down. 

To vote:

In agreement click on the little blue triangle pointing up.

In disagreement click on the little blue triangle pointing down.

The developers pay close attention to those that are voted on the most. 

You are allowed one vote. 

Just viewing and agreeing but not clicking on the vote does not help the issue. 

Please click on one or the other. 

+14 votes
answered Sep 10, 2017 by scunacc (2,580 points)
Yes, please. This would make S1 be able to conform to American Standard Pitch Notation, International Pitch Notation, and, PreSonus Notion (!) :-)
+10 votes
answered Jun 19, 2019 by jacquessteyn1 (1,550 points)
Yes. In scientifc notation Mid-C is C4; Germans, however, write C3.
Presonus is used all over the world, so users should be able to set this up in their own way. So non-German users must do extra hard cognitive work when editing. And in complex songs that is time-consuming.
+6 votes
answered Sep 1, 2019 by lloydsnyder (290 points)

I agree with  jacquessteyn1, the use in America (USA) for middle C to be C4 conforms to the 88 key keyboard and making it C3 is time consuming to constantly have to transpose it. Please make the change.

BTW, I have tried clicking on the blue triangle (to vote) and it does not work. And yes, I am logged in.

thank you,


+6 votes
answered Sep 17, 2020 by bobenglund (540 points)
Please allow us to change this. This has always been an issue.  Middle C is C4 in the music world I know.  (midi frequently may use C3 instead).  As I'm learning now, I guess in Germany middle C is C3??   Ok, but we need to have the option to change this.  This is huge when it comes to the new score editor in Studio One 5.  Everything I expect if off by one octave.

I can't verify, but reading about this issue, a user of Notion (Presonus notation software) said that Notion has C4 as middle C.  So, that would be pretty weird because the new notation view in Studio One 5,  has middle C as C3.

It not just an issue with 88 key pianos.  It's an issue with guitar notation, and also various plugins that I use in Studio one.

Please allow us to change the 'base' octave as a permanent 'checkbox' option in SO5.


+6 votes
answered Mar 12, 2021 by ShikiSuen (1,570 points)
I have to point out that "unable to allow users to change the middle C pitch name from C3 to C4" brings disaster to communications between MIDI producers and their cooperated studio instrument performers (especially those who perform non-common folk instruments). Having lack of this function made me wasted me two days until my worked gourdflute performer sent me audio samples of all pitch articulatable by the instrument he own, and I suddenly realized that those pitchnames used in Melodyne and Dorico are right.
+3 votes
answered Sep 23, 2021 by brotherdust (210 points)
Has any progress been made on this? I literally CANT USE some of my VST instruments because the MIDI input in transcribed an octave too low. =( So frustrating!
+2 votes
answered Oct 7, 2021 by raulcabralfrana1 (1,230 points)
Hello PreSonus, please give some love to this!
+2 votes
answered May 25, 2022 by cesarvega (310 points)
edited May 25, 2022 by cesarvega

I can't believe this hasn't implemented yet, as all we're asking is to change a label!
I found very frustrating the mix of the middle C position all over several plugins VST that I had to create a cheat sheet for all the instruments I own that show a piano illustration.

And BTW it's not a "German" thing. Musecore is a German company and in their piano roll, mide notes start at C-1, so it matches the piano convention where C1 is the one you see in your left, so middle C is the 4th. While Studio One and also Ableton startes with C-2. That's fine, but just allow us to change the label. It's just a label!

Actually, to make it more interesting allow us to customize de label for each note smiley

+1 vote
answered May 18, 2024 by aaronblumer1 (420 points)

Would love to see this!

It's not a 'big deal,' but here's the thing: a lot of times in creative work little things you wouldn't think matter make a difference. For me, every time I'm in "making notes manually in MIDI" mode, I'm distracted by figuring out what octave I'm really in vs. the octave I'm looking at... and my brain insists that c4 is middle C... so I have to do a mental switch.   It takes a couple milliseconds, but it's still a distraction, and I usually have to do it more than once, because "c3 is really c4" doesn't stick. It's like a post it note on your piano that keeps falling off.
