Questions & Answers

Why does my Qmix-AI device name not show up in the UC Surface Device Permissions list?

0 votes
asked May 11, 2015 in UC Surface / Qmix by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Why does my Qmix-AI device name not show up in the UC Surface Device Permissions list?

I connect my iPhone or iPad running Qmix-AI to my RM series mixer, but I do not see the device name appear in the Device Permissions list in UC Surface. Why?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 11, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
selected May 28, 2015 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

The problem is related to how Qmix-AI handles Unicode characters and the fact that Apple's iOS device default name scheme uses a Unicode curly apostrophe, aka a "real" apostrophe.

For an iOS device with an apostrophe in the name that's running Qmix-AI, the device shows up in UC Surface on PC with a � character replacing the apostrophe, but in UC Surface on Mac or on an iPad, the Qmix-AI iOS device doesn't show up at all, though you can still select the blank space and set permissions. 

A fix should be forthcoming in a future Qmix-AI update, but for now, if you simply rename your iOS device without a "real" apostrophe, it should correct the issue. You can even just rename it with essentially the same name, as long as you re-type the "apostrophe", because the default iOS keyboard uses the prime symbol instead of the "real" apostrophe that causes the problem:

Here's an example of each, in UC Surface on PC.


In UC Surface on Mac or the iPad, the second one, the one with the real apostrophe, won't show up in the list.
