Questions & Answers

See which preset is loaded?

+22 votes
asked Sep 14, 2016 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by henrikmangseth (270 points)
Once I load a preset to channel, how can I return to that channel later and see what preset was loaded? It's extremely difficult to having to remember what instrument and preset  was used in each and every scene and channel. I know I can name input channels. But the names seem to be the same in every scene. What if I have different instruments/ voices on ch. 16 in each of my scenes; how may I return later to see what has been loaded on every channel?

It would be great to be able to see that when I, for instance, hit the select button.

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Dec 11, 2016 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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0 votes
answered Sep 15, 2016 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
edited Sep 15, 2016 by wahlerstudios
Presets are SUGGESTIONS, not SOLUTIONS... They are meant to give you ideas which way processing could go - or not. They are generalized, so they can not fit in any situation. And they often contain settings (Gate, Compressor, Limiter) based on the situation of their creation (mostly studio). The best is to NOT USE THEM.

Surely, those presets are helpful and most of them they are really good. But you should consider them as A WAY TO LEARN how processing can be developed and not as "the way to do it". You have to find your own sound for any acoustical event in the given situation, so if you don't know what the EQ on your mixer shows, just load the preset again, examine the settings and start writing your own presets!

And one more tip: Don't think that "more processing" leads to a better sound. "Less is more" also fits here. The PreSonus boards do sound very good and under normal circumstances NOTHING needs any EQ. So FIRST listen what is NEEDED, and then add it carefully. After a while you may be astonished how little processing you really need and how powerful things like highpass filter, compressor, gate and limiter are...

I think you don't need to know what preset is loaded. You need to understand what you are doing.

Just my 2 Euro cents... ;-.)
0 votes
answered Apr 17, 2019 by donntarris1 (3,090 points)
My response here is not directly related to the requested feature, although I see no reason not for the user to want it.

The assumption in the first answer seems to assume looking at the presets that ship with the mixers, primarily as a starting point for novice users. The first thing I do as a recording and live engineer since the mid 70s, is to wipe all of the supplied preset slots with my own definitions. As an example, the default Q settings on all of the supplied presets are too narrow for my liking as are the settings for high and low shelf. I save presets that define the frequency and Q for each band, with zero set for gain. This way I can quickly use just the gain as my starting point when setting up a session, live or otherwise.  It may be handy to know the name of the preset, just so that I could let an assistant or second engineer know what I want loaded and then I could double check that they were loaded as requested by looking at the scribble strip.

When I create presets, they are presets, not suggestions. At the very least, they will get me closer to the solution quicker than having to change or confirm all settings for eq, gate, compressor or limiter.

The best is to USE THEM WISELY FROM A POSITION OF AWARENESS. (sorry, just wanted to relate my response to that in the other response).