I'm dealing with this right now. I just had to import a multiple-time signature song, with tempo changes and markers for each section of the song in MIDI.
I know this is a method used by thousands of professionals, so having it more or less neglected in Studio One is a real problem. Here's what I have to do right now:
MIDI dragged into a mix template currently is only able to be dropped in instrument tracks for notes, or the tempo track for tempo, and even then, if there is an ending tempo and no change after it, it's not imported. So if my song went from 190 to 128, but there's nothing after 128 and I dragged the MIDI onto the tempo track, 128 is never set. I'd only find out later in my mix that the grid is wrong beyond that point.
The only way to import markers and time signatures alongside tempo from MIDI is to make an entirely new Song file. Well, then I'd have to rebuild the template from scratch, since there's no Import Session Data feature right now.
Instead, the fastest possible way to import those things into a template is to actually use the Song file created from MIDI to look up at which bar the time signature changes, add the corresponding changes to the Song file created from a template, then copy the markers and paste them into the template, then drag in the tempo track from MIDI and check it against the other Song file to make sure no tempos were lost.
That's asinine workflow for a professional DAW, and likely is holding hundreds of users back from using Studio One professionally. These are features that most engineers are required to have.