Questions & Answers

How can I add more inputs to the new Presonus StudioLive 32 Series 3?

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asked Oct 26, 2016 in StudioLive Series III by paulbruno (360 points)
I would like to know how I can add mnore inputs to the new Presonus Studiolive 32 Series 3. I see that it is USB and not firewire so I can not make it a 62 channel mixer but connecting them together. So please let me know what I can do to add more inputs.

Thank you


5 Answers

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answered Oct 27, 2016 by wahlerstudios (105,350 points)
Two quotes from PreSonus @ Facebook:

"No, the Series III can not be expanded to more than 32 channels. If you need an expandable mixer with more than 32 channel we recommend the StudioLive AI console of rack mixers."

"The StudioLive 32 does not support cascading. However, you can network multiple StudioLive 32 consoles and computers using AVB networking. They won’t operate as a single mixer, as with cascaded devices, but you can control them all with UC Surface."
asked Oct 27, 2016 in StudioLive Series III by paulbruno (360 points) Presonus Series 3
0 votes
answered Jun 3, 2017 by wapperdude (3,480 points)
For those additional overflow channels, you could also use a sub mixer an d bring then into either/both Aux1, Aux2 inputs.  

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answered Jan 25, 2020 by josrobertooliveira (190 points)
PreSonus Commercial

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Can I Use the Studiolive Rack Series iii 16 with a studiolive 24 console iii and use the others Inputs from the console

asked Aug 23, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by renaudmoreau (190 points)
Hello Everyone, Owner of a studiolive 24 series 3 ,  I need more Line Inputs . Can You please confirm that it is possible to patch 16 Line inputs from The 16 Rack + 12 from the console with no issues .

Should I plug these Two together with AVB?

presonus series iii studiolive 24 stagebox rack
Your answer
I have the same doubt. I have a 32 series III console in my church.  I already reached 32 channels ocupation. Now I need add 10 more microphones for vocals and 3 new for instruments in the PA System. Do I need replace the console to a 64 channel or if I buy a 16R (rack mixer mount) connecting via cat6 cable I will have 40channels ? No money now to buy new 64channel mixer.. that's why I'm looking an alternative.  
Please help me !!

Thank you, thank you !

José  roberto from Brazil.
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2 Answers

answered Aug 24, 2018 by jonnydoyle (223,080 points)
You can add a StudioLive 16R Series III rack to get you to the full 32Ch and do this with a simple Cat5e/Cat6 connection between the two mixers.

answered Jan 25 by josrobertooliveira (150 points)
I have the same doubt. I have a 32 series III console in my church.  I already reached 32 channels ocupation. Now I need add 10 more microphones for vocals and 3 new for instruments in the PA System. Do I need replace the console to a 64 channel or if I buy a 16R (rack mixer mount) connecting via cat6 cable I will have 40channels ? No money now to buy new 64channel mixer.. that's why I'm looking an alternative.  
Please help me !!

Thank you, thank you !

José  roberto from Brazil.
0 votes
answered Jan 26, 2020 by wahlerstudios (105,350 points)

This is the link to the thread you copied in here. I would like to answer here, because the question is more precise. There are indeed ways to add more channels/inputs, but this will never leave the 32 channel/dual-core frame of the mixers (SL 32, SL 24, SL 16, SL 32S, SL 32SX, SL 32SC). You can add more inputs via another mixer in the network and send mixes to FOH via AVB streams 33+34 (Aux In 1), 35+36 (Aux In 2) and 37+38 (Tape In/Digital Return).

This is suitable for input groups like strings or brass or choir, but not really for individual voices/singers or instruments, which probably need to be heard in monitor mixes. A 16R would add 16 input channels, which could be sent via 3 stereo mixes through the AVB network to your SL 32.

In this scenario both mixers must be connected to one router (just use a normal Ethernet switch), because you need UC Surface on a tablet (or a computer) to control the rack mixer running in Stand-Alone Mode.

0 votes
answered Jan 26, 2020 by wahlerstudios (105,350 points)
It's even possible to send network signals (stereo mixes) to FX A, FX B, FX C and FX D returns of the FOH mixer, but this would mean to sacrifice all effects. But in theory you could receive 4+3 stereo mixes through your AVB network from an external "stand-alone" Series III mixer. A 16R could provide 3+1 stereo mixes. There might even be a way to use FX A and FX B sends (mono).