Questions & Answers

Export clips as Audio Files-Retaining the arrange window names

+3 votes
asked Nov 12, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by erikhusler (4,540 points)
edited Nov 12, 2016 by erikhusler
4 right-click options in the arrange window would be a great timesaver: 1.Renaming clips sequentially (loop 01, loop 02 etc), 2. making them separate audio files (possible today), 3. renaming both the clip and the audio file simultaneously, 4. exporting them with their new names.

It would greatly improve your workflow when you make loops or lay down vocal/instrumental parts to send off. So you could mark them, rename them and export them as separate audio files with their new names. Renaming the clip and audio file simultaneously also makes it much easier to find, especially in big sessions.

Today I go back to Pro Tools to be sure it comes out right: Even if you rename clips in S1 the audio files' names aren't changed to the arrange window names. Please make this easier.

1 Answer

+2 votes
answered Nov 21, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
selected Dec 11, 2016 by ghasenbeck
Best answer

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