Questions & Answers

The ability to make the Export Mixdown window disappear AND NOT open the file in Finder

+13 votes
asked Feb 6, 2020 in Mixing by gregjohnson22 (400 points)
LOVING StudioOne, I'm coming from PT and it's been great. However, I primarily do voiceover, so I'm exporting tons of files every day, usually 2-5 at a time (more if I have a big job). When exporting a mixdown, the choices are:

1. Having the Export Mixdown window stay open after the file exports

2. Having the Export Mixdown window disappear, but having the file I just exported open in the finder.

Option 1 means I have to constantly close the export window when moving to the next file to export.

Option 2 means I end with a boatload of finder windows open at the end of a work day.

I could also export every file in batches based on markers, but that would mean that I need to make a marker for every single audition and job I record in my timeline, and when I'm exporting 2-5 files at a time every hour or so, always having to set a start-end marker on every single 15 second audition would throw a wrench into my workflow.

It would be nice to have the option to where the export window closes, and nothing else happens. The file is just on the system, that's it.

5 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 19, 2021 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,440 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

If anyone else agrees or disagrees, please VOTE!

The developers pay close attention to those that are voted on the most. 

You are allowed one vote. You can change your vote later if you choose.

(Here's some helpful info on how to use the voting system)

Please vote the original question / feature request. 

Please DO NOT Vote on THIS response!

+1 vote
answered Feb 25, 2020 by robcolling (1,390 points)
+1 for this. I'm a professional editor producing many exported tracks per day, and it's disruptive to my workflow (not to mention irritating!) to have to close a window every time I export. I can appreciate it's very useful to many users to have that Explorer window pop up, but for me it's an absolute nuisance. An option to have the Export Mixdown window simply close at the end of a render would save me a lot of time.
+1 vote
answered Jan 18, 2021 by owenroberts3 (1,230 points)
I would love this option.

Or at least a key command to shut the Export Mixdown window so I don't have to reach for my mouse every time.
+2 votes
answered Aug 7, 2021 by arlodonaldson (190 points)
I despise this method companies have come to deciding what should have already existed in their program. I do not understand why developers are so poorly trained in basic programing. Then they have this "go vote on it" method that is just an echo chamber that only satisfies the customers who have the time to come on and make threads and accounts and vote and take time out of their day to do the job the developers went to college and are paid to do. Far to many companies are doing this these days and your own post on "look it could be 2438 votes but its only 114" only proves how little response you get from your customers.

There is no excuse for there to not be options for the user to choose what they need and how they need the UI to behave. There is already an option menu, Figure It Out. i'll even do some of the work for you, "Open folder to display files after mixdown" all you need todo is copy paste another check box in the options and change the text a little. Should take less time then it it took me to write this entire ramble.
0 votes
answered May 27, 2023 by aleksaleks3 (860 points)
Yes! I don't want the Windows File Explorer window to open after exporting the audio. We need an option where we could disable this imposed action.