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Studio One 3 only recording 2 channels from ********* X32

0 votes
asked Nov 13, 2016 in Studio One 3 by Smwack1390 (250 points)
I can only get 2 channels from my ********* X32 to record or show signal at one time. Channel 1 & Channel 2 only. It is not an issue with the X32. I have went into the preferences of studio one and double checked that the audio interface was the X32 and also looked at the input routing and it only shows 1&2 selected with an "M" on the selection bubble. When I tried to select all the channels on there (1-16) and click apply - all of the changes i just made to the routing input disappears except for channels 1&2. It's like my laptop or DAW is only recognizing the X32 for 2 channels and not considering the others.

Any thoughts on this?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 15, 2016 by connorguiberteau (26,950 points)
Best answer
This is because you are running Studio One Prime:
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answered Feb 5, 2024 by dfgdyrtyryurturuyj (180 points)
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