Questions & Answers

16.4.2 non AI not receiving or sending signal - acting odd before total non function

0 votes
asked Nov 23, 2016 in Classic Mixers by robertmartini (150 points)
When we bought the board, all worked as it should.  After time, the board would send some crazy loud buzz through the mains followed by a loud POP! and then the board would not send or receive any signal.  This continued for a while, we would reboot the entire system and it would work..for a while.  Then it started doing it more often.  Now the board will not send or receive any signal from start up.  Tested the rest of the chain (snake to mains) with another board without this issue.  The issue must lie within the board.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Nov 23, 2016 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
selected Dec 11, 2016 by ghasenbeck
Best answer
Obviously your board needs a repair. Open a ticket in your PreSonus account and let the doctors in Baton Rouge do their work... There is nothing you can do (factory reset, firmware), it looks like problem inside the mixer.