Questions & Answers

Studio One v2 Songs on v3.3.1 messed up track levels

0 votes
asked Dec 8, 2016 in Studio One 3 by joosanina (160 points)
Why is that, when opening a Studio One v2 song in v3.3.1, some tracks do sound now very low or very high in the mix? (the mixer levels "db's" are showing the same level as in SO v2, but the audible level is very different)

1 Answer

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answered Dec 9, 2016 by joosanina (160 points)
For the record, just found out when opening a S1 V2 song on S1 V3.3.1, whatever track i had which had the compressor on the inserts, the compressor settings changed (before on version 2, no sidechain and normal level / opening in V3, the same song, have to turn on the side chain for the levels on the compressor settings to raise, or else i cannot hear anything)...