Questions & Answers

Why my faderport is using "USB Audio Device" drivers?

0 votes
asked Dec 8, 2016 in FaderPort Classic by helloworld4 (280 points)
i would like to know if it is normal that my faderport use "USB Audio Device" as driver on win10 64bit. Faderport dont have its original driver made by Presonus?

Also how can i tell which firmware version is installed? im trying to upgrade to 1.3.8 to make sure i have the latest firmware and i get an error message from the installer even though the device manager list my device as being faderport firmware upgrade mode and the lights are flashing as supposed until i hit next and it stop, but still listed as upgrade mode in device manager.

Thanks for your help.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Dec 11, 2016 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer

Where can I find the update for my FaderPort?

Article Updated - 11/29/2016

The firmware in FaderPort's made after 2011 have firmware version 1.3.8. That is the last version and is the only version needed for these FaderPorts. There is no need to do a firmware update. Please register your Faderport at, we have setup our system to indicate if an update is needed for your registered Faderport, an installer will appear in the downloads are for your device. If there are no downloads visible, then your device is up to date and no update is needed. 

The FaderPort is a class-compliant USB MIDI device with a power adapter to provide power to the motorized fader. For a long time we included a CD in the box that included a firmware updater, a DAW profile support installer and a manual. 

The software on the disc is out of date, Running the firmware update in 1.3.5 on a unit with 1.3.8 firmware will downgrade the firmware rendering the motorized fader inoperable. Running the 1.3.8 firmware updater would restore that functionality.  

We recently removed the CD that came in the box for the FaderPort as well as removed the 1.3.8, 1.3.5 and 1.2 installers off the website due to the number of problems it has been causing for customers that were inadvertently downgrading their firmware. 

Some of DLLs included in the DAW profiles for FaderPort were not installing to the correct folders or were no longer compatible with current DAWs. We have updated our knowledge base with additional articles for each DAW on how to setup the FaderPort that replaces the information in the manual and provides additional information not found in the original document. 

If you believe you still need the installer, please register your Faderport at My PreSonus and check to see if you have an applicable download as mentioned before. You are welcome to log a support ticket with the issue you are having so we can assist you. Once we have vetted your issue, if we deem the software updater necessary, then we will resolve this on a case by case basis. 
