Questions & Answers

Why the charge for license transfer?

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asked Dec 12, 2016 in Studio One 2 by cosmicinfinities (150 points)
Good evening.

I am contacting as I am looking to sell my Nektar Impact LX 61 and wish to transfer my license, I have done this with many things I have purchased in the past yet this is the first time I have ever been charged for transfferring a license most recent transfers were with Native Instruments and Proppellerhead.

I have never even used the software, and going by my product page I don't seem to have activated the software (Still says 0 out of 5 Activations) so will whom ever purchases my keyboard have any problems with activating if they set up there own account.

Please if you could get back to me asap it would be much appreciated.


Mark Morgan

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 21, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,570 points)
Best answer
Looking at your account, we can see a Studio One 2 OEM Artist that came with your Nektar Keyboard, any customer who buys a Nektar Keyboard with a Studio One 2 key gets an automatic upgrade to Studio One 3 OEM Artist. The Studio One 2 OEM license although not activated itself is not transferrable as the Studio One 3 OEM Upgrade is not an full license without the original Studio One 2 OEM as it's base.

In your case, the Studio One 3 OEM Artist which has been registered on Dec 25, 2016, was recently activated on Dec 12, 2016, if the Studio One 3 OEM license had not been activated, then this would not have been an issue.

If you transfer the Studio One 3 OEM License, then the Studio One 2 OEM will go with it.