Questions & Answers

Why do I keep getting ''Invalid License" error when activating?

0 votes
asked Sep 30, 2015 in Studio One 2 by PreSonuSupt5 (21,400 points)
I'm using the same code that was given to me but I keep getting an error message while trying to activate Studio One. Why is this happening?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Sep 30, 2015 by PreSonuSupt5 (21,400 points)
edited Oct 15, 2015 by PreSonuSupt5
Best answer

If you receive an "Invalid License" error when activating Studio One 2, there are several possibilities that could be causing this.

1. There are no zero's (0) or one's (1) in our Product Keys. Should you encounter a digit in the 28-Digit Product Key that appears to be as such, it will actually be a letter "O" (Oscar) or letter "L" (Lima) instead. Please double-check for that and re-try. You can check your user account for the exact characters that make up your product key for StudioOne under the registered software section of your user account. 

2. You need to include the dashes (-) after every 4th digit. The format of a Studio One Product Key should appear in this format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.

3. It's possible that the version of Studio One software you have installed on your system is the 1.0 version of Studio One. Version 1.0 is a totally different piece of software from version 2, which uses a different Product Key for software activation. Double check your user account to make certain the characters are set properly in StudioOne.

- Make sure that you have installed Studio One Version 2 software, updated the version to the latest version and that you actually have a Version 2 Product Key in your User Account. 

4. If you are doing an online activation, you must actually be online and connected to a network to do the online activation.

- In version 2.0.5 they added, in the online activation section, the ability to push the registered codes through your networks server directly into the software. So provided you have the proper username and password for your account entered, you hit the small arrow on the right of the Product Key field entry and you will see a "refresh" button, this will list the available registration codes from your account directly within the software and allow you to choose the appropriate code you wish to register. This will only work if the computer is connected to a network and you are running StudioOne version 2.0.5 or higher. 

Online Activation steps:

5. If you are attempting to do an offline activation and you are getting this error, double check the 16 digit Machine ID given to you through the offline activation process under step-3 within the StudioOne software offline activation section.

- Be sure that is the proper code you are using. 

- Make sure you are actually offline when you point to or drag the Studioone.license file into the offline activation window. 

Offline Activation steps:
