For me, Banking Plugins is a DealMaker.
I don't mix music, I do Broadcast Production & don't need a mixer, I need lots of faders & buttons for lots of plugins. Pots are nice too, but Faders will certainly do the job.
Case in point... each channel of a '6 Floating-Band Dynamic EQ' has, among other things, Frequency, Q, Gain, Range, Threshold, Attack & Release. That gives me 1 Bank for each of the 6 Bands & makes you the Big Cheese [not that you aren't already].
Is that a lot to ask? No doubt, but you give me that & you will have my $499 the very next day!
Please know that I require my ADL 700, 2 Studio Channels, Firestudio Project, Central Station, HP4, HP2, Audio Box USB, Eris 4.5's, Faderport & Studio One 3 Pro for my daily existence, and that FaderPort 8 is at the top of my wish list.
p.s. the little blue triangles are not clicking for me [prb'ly my problem, not yours]. Please click the Up Button once for me. :+]