Questions & Answers

Transfering Studio one 3 Artist from PC to Mac?

0 votes
asked Dec 13, 2016 in Studio One 3 by seenfromspace (150 points)
I have used Studio One 3 Artist for about a year on my PC and have re-installed/downloaded the same program on to my new Mac Book pro. I have transferred all my project data, and downloaded all the additional features and sounds sets, but some of the drum kits I used on past projects will not load I am having trouble locating them manually within the new laptop. Also when trying to use/open Melodyne, an error message saying: "Melodyne is not compatible with Studio One. Please check for updates." comes up. Anything I can do to trouble shoot this? I have re-installed multiple times and tried multiple versions of Studio One 3. Thanks

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 8, 2017 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer
You need to locate where you have installed your plugins. You may want to reset the blacklist and have S1 re-scan your computer for plugins. Should it still not see some of the plugins, make sure that they are up to date, that you are using 64 bit plugins with the 64 bit version of Studio One ( and or 32 bit with 32bit)  as well as you need to update your version of Melodyne. Celemony has recently released an new version that you need to update to for your new OS.