Questions & Answers

What are the Firmware Update Process & Troubleshooting Procedures on a StudioLive XX.4.2 (Non-Ai)

0 votes
asked Jul 3, 2015 in Classic Mixers by mwright137 (1,530 points)
I am having problems installing the firmware on my Classic StudioLive mixer. What steps can I take to ensure everything is properly installed?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Aug 19, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)

***Things to do before continuing:

If you are using a PC computer to connect your StudioLive mixer, please refer to this Knowledge Base Article for proper connection on Mac and PC systems. For PC related systems, please note that it's very important that you have a firwire connection that uses a supported and compatible chipset before attempting any kind of firmware update:

How Do I know my StudioLive (Ai) is connected to my computer and functioning over firewire?

***Please be sure to back up your scenes before doing any firmware update on your mixer.  There is a potential that going from any firmware version on your mixer to the current version, you will lose your scenes and presets. See the Article below on Scene saving and transfer.  

Backup your custom Scenes and Presets



If you need to find out what version of Universal Control to install for what version of Firmware you have (see the list at the bottom of this firmware update article):


***Make sure you are using the current version of Universal Control from our website before proceeding . 

Universal Control Download by Product


NOTE- For StudioLive 16.4.2 mixers on firmware 1.12 or older, you'll need to do a step up process.

(You can see your current firmware version and build number on the last page of the mixer's system menu.)

 See here: How to Update Your Firmware from 1.12 and below


Updating your firmware is a process that updates your mixer to make sure Universal Control and your StudioLive are using the same version of driver and firmware. Below are the details of the firmware update process.


Firmware Update process explained:

Click Here



Universal Control and firmware Update Process:

When firmware updates for your device are available, they are initiated by the newest version of Universal Control.  Because of this, also every single version of Universal Control has collectively a different Firmware and Build version.  Next to every download of Universal Control we support on our website has release notes that explains what firmware version and build number your mixer has when using that version of control software (see the list at the bottom for Firmware Version and build number associated with the versions of UC).

What you need to do a firmware update:

1.  A computer that is qualified with the Technical Specifications of our website to connect and run the latest version of Universal Control

2.  A firewire cable to connect the mixer to the computer properly using a firewire connetion.  If you are using a PC computer, make sure you follow our How do I properly connect my StudioLive to my PC article here.


***When doing a firmware update, make sure you are only connecting one mixer at a time and the "Firewire Link ID" (Go to the "System" menu and page down to Page 3) is set to "0."  Do not daisy chain any StudioLive mixers together while running the firmware update or a factory reset as you can potentially damage them indefinitely.***


Firmware Process Step by Step:

Step 1:  Install the latest version of Universal Control - You can find the latest version of Universal Control from our website here and click on your product.  Proceed to the downloads area and download the latest driver specific to your Operating System: )  

This version will always have release notes and an addendum that amends the current VSL with any changes that have taken place.  It is important to read these notes as they can answer any immediate questions that arise.

Step 2:  Make sure your mixer is connected and run Universal Control - When opening Universal Control for the first time, your VSL window will be greyed out and it will tell you that the firmware is out of date.  Click the “Upgrade” button in the window to initiate the firmware programming.



***NOTE:  This process should go on uninterrupted.  If you proceed to update the firmware and the process hangs, please see the troubleshooting step below “VSL freezes on firmware update” for further instructions.

Step 3:  Finishing the Firmware update - When programing has completed, it will possibly instruct you to power off the mixer and power it back on (when coming from firmware version 1.13).  Once you have done so, you will be able to load the scenes that you have saved before hand back into the mixer.  Drop them into the “Device Memory” section and press “Send” on the bottom of the browser window.


Resetting the Mixer to factory Settings:

There might be a time where you need to reset the mixer back to its original state because you have either changed and saved presets in the mixer or settings or scenes are missing or need to be reset.  These can be reloaded by going to the Settings > Factory reset option at any time.

**Note:  The Factory Reset option can delete your scenes and settings in the mixer permenantly.  It is important to make sure you backup your scenes before continuing.

Details on the Factory Reset Process


Troubleshooting your firmware update:

1.  Mixer cannot be seen by the computer:

-  Make sure you are using an approved chipset firewire card from our current list of compatible hardware (Windows only):

-  In the System Menu of the StudioLive Mixer, make sure your “Firewire Link ID” is set to “0.”  This will verify that the mixer is the only thing connecting to the computer and the firmware is not looking for two devices simultaneously.  Make sure you are not connecting two StudioLive mixers at the same time as well as this will cause an improper firmware flash and cause errors and potential damage.

-  If you are having trouble with driver installation, see the link below to uninstall and reinstall your drivers:




-  If you are still having trouble, please contact Technical Support for further assistance.

2.  VSL Freezes on firmware update:

***If at any time the firmware update process stops and is unresponsive for several minutes, immediately force quit the application:

Windows - Press CTL + ALT + DEL and go to your task manager.  Find the Universal Control application in the running programs and stop the application.

Mac OSX - Find the Universal Control icon in the dock.  Right click (Control + click) on the icon and “Force Quit” the application.

-  Make sure you are using an approved chipset firewire card from our current list of compatible hardware (Windows):
Approved Firewire Cards

-  In the System Menu of the StudioLive Mixer, make sure your “Firewire Link ID” is set to “0.”  This will verify that the mixer is the only thing connecting to the computer and the firmware is not looking for two devices simultaneously.  Make sure you are not connecting two StudioLive mixers at the same time as well as this will cause an improper firmware flash and cause more issues.

-  If you are having constant trouble, please contact Technical Support for further assistance.

3.  My FX presets and Fat Channel presets are missing:

-  Go to the Small Universal Control window > Click on Settings > Factory Reset.  You will be able to reload the Presets back into the mixer in case they are missing after a firmware update.
-  If you are still having trouble, please contact Technical Support for further assistance.

4.  Erratic behavior with firmware on the mixer:
-  If this started after a firmware update process, there could have been an issue with the firmware loading properly.  Make sure you are using an approved chipset firewire card from our current list of compatible hardware (Windows):  Approved Firewire Cards

-  If there is any unusual behavior (outputs do not work, buttons are not working, etc.) do a factory reset on the mixer and test the mixer’s functionality again.


UC and the versions of Firmware:

16.4.2 UC version 1.2 (Legacy), Driver 3.5.5:
Firmware:  1.13
Build:  159

24.4.2 UC version 1.2 (Legacy), Driver 3.5.5:
Firmware:  1.0
Build:  167 (comes from factory 164)

Release Notes for UC 1.2

16.0.2 UC Version; Driver 3.5.6:
Firmware:  0.98f
Build:  215

16.4.2 UC Version; Driver 3.5.6:
Firmware:  1.50a
Build:  184

24.4.2 UC Version; Driver 3.5.6:
Firmware:  1.0
Build:  188

Release Notes for UC

16.0.2 UC Version 1.6 (& 1.6.1); Driver 4.0.0:
Firmware:  0.98f
Build:  219

16.4.2 UC Version 1.6 (& 1.6.1); Driver 4.0.0:
Firmware:  1.50a
Build:  188

24.4.2 UC Version 1.6 (& 1.6.1); Driver 4.0.0:
Firmware:  1.0
Build:  192

Release Notes for UC 1.6


16.0.2 UC Version 1.7; Driver 4.0.0:
Firmware:  0.98f
Build:  219

16.4.2 UC Version 1.7; Driver 4.0.0:
Firmware:  1.50a
Build:  190

24.4.2 UC Version 1.7; Driver 4.0.0:
Firmware:  1.0
Build:  194

Release Notes for UC 1.7

16.0.2 UC Version 1.71; Driver 4.0.0:
Firmware:  0.98f
Build:  219

16.4.2 UC Version 1.7.1: Driver 4.0.0
Firmware:  1.50a
Build:  190

24.4.2 UC Version 1.7.1; Driver 4.0.0:
Firmware: 1.0
Build: 195

Release Notes for UC 1.7.1

16.0.2 UC Version 1.7.2; Driver 4.1.3:
Firmware:  0.98f
Build:  219

16.4.2 UC Version 1.7.2: Driver 4.1.3
Firmware:  1.50a
Build:  190

24.4.2 UC Version 1.7.2; Driver 4.1.3:
Firmware: 1.0
Build: 195

 Release Notes for UC 1.7.2
