Questions & Answers

I cannot change the scaling of high DPI in the menu. 4k Monitor.

+11 votes
asked Dec 25, 2016 in Studio One 3 by thezherui (250 points)
I cannot change the scaling of high DPI in the menu.  I have a 4k Monitor and am trying to change it to 200%.  However, it will not change off of 150%.

2 Answers

–6 votes
answered Apr 10, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
If you open Studio One and go to Studio One>Options>General, there is a checkbox for high-dpi mode.  The percentage that is reflected in the high-dpi mode is set in your operating system.  If you are running Windows 10, simply right-click your desktop and go to "Display settings."  You will want to drag the slider bar under the option for "Change size of text, apps, and other items.  You can see the percentage in this window. Mine will only go to 175 percent and when I change this setting in Windows, it is also changed in Studio One.  You may want to contact the manufacturer of your monitor and see if there is an updated driver.  You will also want to ask them what is supported for that monitor.  For general troubleshooting in Studio One, you can try removing your settings files and re-configuring.

1.  Go to Help>Open Settings folder.

2.  Copy the contents of the folder over to a folder on your desktop.

3.  Close S1 and delete the contents of the settings folder with the exception of the user.license file as well as the "Extensions" folder.

4.  Open S1 and go to Studio One>Options (Preferences on a Mac) to reconfigure your settings.

5.  Test to see if the problem is resolved.  If it is not, please feel free to copy your settings files back over from the backup that you created in step 2.  

*If you are missing presets or Sound Sets after doing this, simply double-click one of your Sound Sets under Documents>Studio One>Sound Sets.

Beyond this, you may want to submit a feature request under the "Studio One 3 Feature Requests" section of  Just submit a request asking for better 4k monitor support in Studio One.  You will want to check and see if the request has already been submitted.
+12 votes
answered Oct 5, 2017 by arturgodlewski (700 points)
The post by @brianmeisner1 is not a real answer. I have exactly the same issue as the OP and I don't want to change my Windows settings, to make everything - desktop, icons, web browser, etc. - smaller just so that Studio One would follow. Zoom / Scaling settings for Studio One should be independent from Windows settings, just like in Bitwig.