Questions & Answers

Eventide Plug in Not showing up in Presonus studio one three pro

0 votes
asked Jan 8, 2017 in Studio One 3 by markkingsley (280 points)
I just cannot get the Eventide 910 plugin to load into the VST section of this software. What could possibly be going wrong. I have tried for a month with no luck. Can it be that Presonus and Eventide are just incompatible. I hate the idea that I wasted all this money on a plugin that just wiill not work with this software. My friend is using protools and has no problem at all with this plug in.

1 Answer

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answered Jan 9, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,550 points)
Make sure that when you install the Plug-in, that the installer doesn't install the program in a different directory than your VST Plug-ins folder. This is the norm with a lot of installers nowadays, it's up to you to change it to the right path. Try running the installer again and look for the install path screen, then add that path to your Studio One Paths preferences as a place for Studio One to look for the plug-in dll's.