Questions & Answers

Why does the iPad transfer fail wirelessly to Studio One 3 on MacBook Pro?

0 votes
asked Jan 8, 2017 in Studio One 3 by samjemielity (170 points)
The iPad recognizes the Mac, but when the transfer begins it times out and I get "transfer failed." A very small file (4MB) made it over, but the other tracks that were bigger (12MB) all failed and then I got message in Studio One "file not found!" in the Edit or Mix screen. I tried to connect the iPad directly with USB to the Mac, but the system still tries to transfer wirelessly. I saw this question asked a couple months ago, with no answer. Any suggestions?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 9, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
Your router may not be robust enough to handle many devices at once sending / receiving large amounts of data. If this is a household router, make sure other devices are not on it at the same time. If it is free of other traffic, then try changing the channel in the router settings to less used channel. Most routers default to Channel 7 or Channel 9, there are over a dozen to choose from. Try using a different channel to see if that changes your situation. You may need to consider a different router if it is an older model.
0 votes
answered Jan 9, 2017 by samjemielity (170 points)
Thanks very much! It's just a standard ATT&T modem/router, so undoubtedly not that great. If I can't get the WiFi to work, is there a way to connect wired to the laptop?