For the rest of the post, I am going to use macros and shortcuts interchangeably for a keyboard shortcut to execute a series of actions.
I love my Studio one 3 being a long time Cubase user. And I find the Remote App an indispensable tool during recording sessions. I mostly record myself and it usually gets very clunky to reach for my mouse and keyboard especially while playing the drums.
However, I still find a lot of room for the improvement in the workflow for solo artists and one thing that I have built and have been using for some time is an app which lets me quickly access the macros from my iPad with a dedicated interface. Here is a screenshot .

This exposes the list of macros organized by how I want them to be into easily tappable buttons on my iPad especially when I am recording. So, imagine if I I am playing a piece on drums and I mess it up. Then, I simply tap Clear and record and Studio one stops the recording, clears the last recorded sample and restarts the recording from the beginning of the loop without me diving through the menus on the official remote app.
I also group my macros and shortcuts as pages (see the three dots at the bottom, it means I have 3 more pages of macros). It makes the shortcut and macro organization way more efficient for me.
How did I implement it?
Well, there are a lot of caveats but from a 10000 feet overview, the app sends a message to a server on my mac and the server executes a keyboard shortcut. One big caveat is that, I have to create macros in the Studio One 3 and then create them in the app.
What am I looking for?
I know that studio one remote interacts really well with the studio one using the UCNET networking protocol. Does that mean, Studio one exposes an API interface which I can consume for the app? If that is possible, then I can keep those macros and shortcuts in sync with my app all the time and possible execute them directly like Studio one remote does instead of issuing silly Keyboard commands.
P.S. This app is only intended for my personal use only to make my workflow much more personal and efficient. I can share the code if you want.