Questions & Answers

Routing both audio and control via cat5

0 votes
asked Jan 15, 2017 in StudioLive CS18Ai by jacobrizzi (120 points)
I have an RM32AI run with a CS18AI. The RM32 is on stage, and the CS18 is FOH. I have it hard wired for control via Cat5, and want to also have the capability to send and receive audio at the CS18 utilizing the rear inputs (TB, FOH audio, Monitoring). I don't know how to do it, and everywhere I search I can't seem to find anything addressing this.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 15, 2017 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)

This is the place to search (and ask) for answers: There is also a forum for the RM mixers. The download pages of your products are also worth a visit:

A direct connection by CAT5 cable is possible, but it needs network settings before, to make it work. If you want to have audio at your CS, you need an AVB switch (there is only one available, the one from MOTU). AVB provides the transport of audio.

0 votes
answered Mar 4, 2018 by michaellopinto1 (1,550 points)
Hello Jacob. A cat5 cable sends and returns Audio from CS18AI to the RML32AI. You must select the CS18AI Talkback Inputs from the drop-down list on the Talkback channel and select Network on the Digital Return channel list. You can connect the Mixer and the Control Surface as Static Self Assigned and plug a Wireless Dongle into each unit, then place a Wireless Router anywhere within range of both units and any Touchscreen Tablets you might use to adjust the mix while walking around the venue. I hope this helps (if you haven't already solved the question).   ---   Michael