Questions & Answers

i have that same problem can i get help the instrumental to playback after i finished recording a session.

0 votes
asked Jan 18, 2017 in Studio One 3 by michaellee20 (150 points)
i also figured out how to convert mp3 to wav. but I cant find the tools to hear the music when I have finished recording.

I casn hear my voice but not the music. can I get help please?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 21, 2017 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer

Other than knowing that you are using the FREE PRIME Version of Studio One 3, there is not enough information here to be able to give a clear and precise answer to your question.

- What interface are you using?

- PRIME does have some limitations, are you rendering the tracks first or just trying to playback after a take or two?

- more information about your setup is needed.

We also suggest that you take a look at the Studio One 3 Manual: