Questions & Answers

Why is my recording session *ALWAYS* too fast or ahead of the music track when the recording session is finished?

+1 vote
asked May 15 in Studio One 6 by DanielStewart4817 (130 points)
Every single time I record ANYTHING in ANY session, whether its live, vocal, midi,'s ALWAYS ahead of the track I'm playing along to (not synced up). Even though during the actual recording, it appears to be in sync with the track.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 21 by jordanhume2 (420 points)
Yeah, I have this same exact problem.  Yeah, I don't claim to have the best timing, but it's so consistently early.  With latency, I would expect my playing to be behind the beat (I've had that issue in other DAW's), but ahead of the beat?  It makes no sense...