You were talking about USB... The USB port on your mixer is for WLAN use and firmware upgrades only.
Do you really understand what you are trying to do? UC Control is the driver your computer needs to "see" the connected device. UC Surface is "software" you work with. None of them passes audio. What you see in UC Surface is a visualization of what is happing in your mixer (not in your computer!). Audio is only streamed through FireWire and needs a DAW (like Studio One) or Capture to record or play back audio signals. There is no audio sent to your computer's sound department.
By the way: "No Connected Devices on the mixer's System Page 3" means that you are trying to connect to a wired network for remote control. Relevant for you is page 8. If a FireWire is established (mixer and computer connect automatically), the status in the lower line will say "Driver On". Then start Universal Control, click on the small picture of your mixer and UC Surface will start.
Evyerything is well described in the manuals, especially in the Software Reference Manual. Have a look at the download page: