Questions & Answers

Why will drivers for Universal Control 24.4.2 ver not load?

0 votes
asked Sep 22, 2017 in Classic Mixers by donnahall (150 points)
My ipad remote quit working.  Looking for a solution, I saw that there was a new version I needed to download.  ( I have attempted several times. disconnected my firewire. everytime I get this error message: THE SOFTWARE WAS NOT INSTALLED CORRECTLY. DRIVER ERROR. PLEASE REBOOT YOUR COMPUTER AND/OR REINSTALL AND TRY AGAIN.

So, now UC doesn't work at all.

Running Windows 10.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 25, 2017 by Michael Martin (89,010 points)
Best answer

Previous installations of the UC driver must be present still, conflicting with the new driver or some other issue is present.

Follow the manual uninstall guide below:

If that still doesn't help, then contact Tech Support via Support Ticket from your PAE account portal.
