Questions & Answers

how do I use the the midi instruments in studio one 3 with my midi controller keyboard or midi synth?

0 votes
asked Feb 12, 2017 in Studio One 3 by carldansky (270 points)
I have a roland xp-50 and I just want to know how to use it to work with midi instrument tracks in studio one three. Do I have to select a midi channel on my keyboard or just select a studio one instrument track drag an instrument into it and just play on any channel to record the track.? I haven't used MIDI in a very long time and I'm new to Studio One as well.

Thanks so much, Carl

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 27, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
Please read these articles for setting up External MIDI Devices with Studio One 3:

Also, make sure the XP50 is set to external MIDI clock.

1. For the simple use of the piano keys of the XP50, you will need to create a "New Keyboard", with the "MIDI Receive From" assigned to the MIDI port the device is connected to. You don't need the MIDI "Send To" set to anything.  Set this to Default Instrument Input. With this option set, if you choose you can add Presence to a track and the Roland keys will trigger it.

--- If you want to do more advanced MIDI continue --

2. To use the Sounds of the Roland, you will need to create a New Instrument with the MIDI "Send To" set to your keyboard MIDI port. Check all the MIDI clock options.
3. To use the controls of your Roland, you will need to Create a New Control Surface with the MIDI Receive From assigned to the MIDI port the device is connected to.

Then check out this article on setting up to record using an External Device: Setting up to record with an External MIDI Device Studio One:

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