Questions & Answers

Another Maschine Mapping Question

0 votes
asked Feb 19, 2017 in Studio One 3 by johnrichardson7 (1,420 points)
I want to use maschine to trigger sounds in Impact and other native Presonus VIs.  Has anyone figured out how to do this?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 11, 2017 by 1_Lyfe_0527 (2,090 points)
Yes first off which version do you have studio,mikro or mk2,mk1?

To get it to work with impact first switch the hardware to midi. Start to hit pads and midi (says channel on the button at the top left but says midi wrote in black on top of that). Then once you open impact set the pads to work with the hardware. I set all the pads in impact to the lowest c1 and went up c#1 d1, etc. then save it as a default preset. So every time it opens it opens like that and set your Maschine pads. Usually using the banks buttons will switch the pads different octaves or you can make your own setup with native instruments control editor and set up attack decay etc on the impact to be controlled from the hardware itself.