Questions & Answers

Improve better graphics representation of the event (clips) , text, waveform.

+222 votes
asked Feb 20, 2017 in Studio One Feature Requests by tuduranandrei (1,420 points)

Hi Presonus,

As I said before, I am coming from FL Studio 12 as a DAW user and I find the graphics representation of the events (clips) a little harsh on the eye. It seems it's like it does not have any antialiasing applied. When I am zooming out, the MIDI information in the clip it's just a small thin line instead being more thick for better reading. The waveform graphics looks harsh and the text title of the event (clip) is pixelated like it does not have "Clear Type feature from Windows, enabled". 

In FL Studio 12 or Logic Pro X , the graphics in the aranger looks pleasent to the eye, with smooth graphics.  

Studio One 3 look good but I think it has some old graphics left from version 2. frown

My request is if anyone wants a better graphics representation of events, text, waveform when are small or big. smiley

I have attached 2 examples from FL 12 and Logic Pro X. I think it has more consistency in representing what's inside every event / clip. 




14 Answers

+7 votes
answered Feb 21, 2017 by Skip Jones (166,970 points)
selected Nov 14, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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Just viewing and agreeing but not clicking on the vote does not help the issue. 

Please click on one or the other. 

–3 votes
answered May 10, 2017 by ilyasoloviev (1,930 points)
Agree on the fonts but i fear anti-aliasing on waveforms would just make it look blurry (especially on Retina display) a much better way (imo) would be to simply increase resolution of the waveforms.
+3 votes
answered Nov 28, 2017 by joeljossie (5,340 points)
Bump. Also, I'd just like to add that MIDI clips really only need to have the preview actually zoom to the notes that the clip includes. Not much else is necessary.
+5 votes
answered Jan 24, 2018 by neiljordan1 (18,500 points)
I do find the single-pixel MIDI lines hard to look at; definitely.
+3 votes
answered Dec 1, 2019 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
New waveforms look good now but I still think the “thicker MIDI data lines in arrange view” aspect of this FR could use some attention
+4 votes
answered Jul 16, 2020 by federicosilva (4,610 points)

This is still needed

+3 votes
answered Aug 29, 2020 by francilien (1,730 points)

Following the spirit of this request, it would be great to have the possibility to increase the waveform display of each clip within a track. The waveform display and not the volume of the clip, because we can have multitrack projects on which some of the tracks are really low in terms of volumes and this low volume generates an issue when we look at all tracks: some of them have visible waveforms, but the low volume ones are low enough to don't have visible waveforms!

So it would be great to create a sort of optional "vertical waveform zoom" not impacting the volume of the clip, just the display of the clip waveform. If that makes sense for all. blush

+7 votes
answered Oct 2, 2020 by andypflgner (470 points)

It would be nice to get an option, where i can ajust the view of the events (for examble, with corners or with rounded corners), also an option for the sperator between two events for better editing. A little bit like in Logic 

In Studio One 5.0.2 the Seperators between 2 Events

for a better overview where one Event ends and a new one begins

+6 votes
answered Nov 12, 2020 by joachimsvare (3,150 points)
edited Nov 12, 2020 by joachimsvare

Yes, this needs to be addressed. I'm coming from Logic and I just started doing some "real sessions" in ST1 and I have to say that I find it to be a blurry mess to look at. Apart from that the events needs more defintion and and some kind of separation lines it is also very hard to find the selected tracks. In Logic, PT, Cubase etc, the selected tracks are clearly marked in the track header and in the mixer. It would also be great if we could see on the events if a track is muted. In Logic the events in a muted track is grayed out!

The picture is from two sessions I have been workin on today. The logic session has way more tracks and zoomed out more. All the "events" are still clearly separated and easy to see. ST1 is an undefined blur!

You can even clearly see the selected track in Logic on this small picture.

+2 votes
answered Sep 1, 2021 by izpztddn (1,460 points)

I totally agree. Studio One is a great DAW, I have tried a dozen out there (except Logic Pro, since I don't have Mac), and it remains my main DAW, inspite of some other DAW's better functionality in certain areas. But its GUI needs to be rethought. I hoped the version 5 would have a new, updated GUI, but it was just inherited from versions 3 and 4, basically. I hope Studio one 6 (or maybe earlier) will have a new approach on graphics. I think the graphics should be smoother, with less sharp corners, more contemporary. 

As to the MIDI notes representation, I wonder why practically all other daws (Logic Pro, Pro Tools, Ableton, Reaper, FL Studio, Cubase, Cakewalk) have the ability to zoom into MIDI data in the arrangement, while Studio One still doesn't?

I often use “explode pitches to tracks” function for drums (a super great feature I didn’t see in other DAWs!!). For example, I create a drum beat, where all the drums’ MIDI are in one part (clip), so I want to separate them and have each drum on a separate track, for convenience. When I have this done, I delete the silence between notes, if needed, and transform each track to audio track. While doing this, it’s very hard to visually find midi notes (one shots) for drums which are used just once or twice across the song, because they are so tiny! I always have to strain my eyes to do this. It would be much easier if we could have bigger notes.

Here’s what I mean.

Here’re all the drums in one MIDI clip (part) as they appear in Studio One:

All the drums in one clip in Ableton: 

And here are the drums separated by channel (Studio One) - only 8 channels, due to my Ableton’s license limitations:

Drums per channel in Ableton

As you see, in Ableton Live you have a more detailed view, even ispite of rare occasional notes, and you don’t need to strain your eyes as much as you need in Studio One. Would be great for Studio One, too!


+3 votes
answered Sep 2, 2021 by valentinosciacca1 (8,440 points)
Just up voted this one!

I also asked for a GUI refresh here is my request:

PreSonus team: please you need to make the S1 GUI more pleasant like Logic (the best GUI at the moment) or FL or even Ableton.

I hope we will see these changes made in S1 5.5 :)
+2 votes
answered May 9, 2022 by NoiseCoalition (1,350 points)
Agree here. Waveforms are hard to see. Midi notes look tiny in events. Makes it hard to tell whats going on in a larger project.
0 votes
answered Feb 9, 2024 by IreneuszKruczek (560 points)
Yes!! So many years from that topic and they did nothing. I love Studio One and its workflow but for me this is only one big issue with this DAW. The way how the events/clips especially with midi graphic representation is look a like is terrible. Every other DAW does it better.  Hope they will change a little how it looks, also maybe add some contour around for better separation.
+1 vote
answered Feb 29, 2024 by michaelschirmer2511 (300 points)

You are right, but the biggest problem is the visual borders of the tracks.

Just look if many automations are opened and the automtion data is at this point just the static line, it is really hard to see the track borders.

Better: Color below the automation lines(like in FL studios) and a thicker&more visible line between the tracks, especially between automation lanes.

As you can see in your screenshots of S1, you cannot see at first look the borders of the MIDIparts, this is not very good overview!
