Questions & Answers

Own a StudioLive and have all drivers to run it but picking it as my audio device I get "couldn't be initialized."

0 votes
asked Feb 24, 2017 in Classic Mixers by liamburkart1 (120 points)
I had ASIO4ALL on my computer before getting this mixer and online people said that it could be a problem for downloading other drivers such as the Universal Audio which needed to run this mixer.

1 Answer

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answered Mar 6, 2017 by gadget69 (31,130 points)
ASIO is fine if you can't get the system to work any other way but perhaps we can get you set up better? If you haven't already, set up a "My Presonus" account. Within your account, select the Software, and install all your software and drivers and any content from there. make sure that ALL your hardware, and software and drivers are up to date. In the Hardware make sure your drivers are on the latest versions...see if that doesn't help. and as always start a tech service ticket in case you cannot find an answer.