Questions & Answers

Hey everyone! So I have a M-AUDIO Fast track USB Interface and studio one doesn't seem to be picking it up.

0 votes
asked Mar 21, 2021 in Studio One 5 by hunteryates (120 points)
The only option in audio device is WindowsAudio

1 Answer

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answered Mar 21, 2021 by trogfish (1,890 points)
The M-Audio device is not 'plug and play' like many other USB devices.  You have to install specific drivers for that specific model.  Because M-Audio has been bought & sold, the correct drivers may be hard to track down.  Perhaps someone else here has a copy they could share with you.  Otherwise, maybe try this page, which I found by google search for "M-Audio Fast Track USB drivers."

Also, you may wish to review this: